Empower your whole data team

Collaborate with data analysts to transform and model data while ensuring data quality, integrity, cost control and performance

Built for collaboration

Free up data engineers

Montara enables data analysts to participate in data transformation and manage pipelines with SQL only, while also giving engineers the ability to oversee data quality, performance and cost.

Observability for data modeling

  • Pipeline observability Pipeline performance and quality insights
  • Model observability Get detailed insights into every model
  • Real-time alerts Notifications on pipeline execution results

Enterprise-grade governance

  • Roles and permissions Give the right people the right access
  • Audit trail Complete visibility into every action
  • Code review Review and control who can deploy changes

Easy to set up and manage

  • Multiple environments Production and staging environments built in
  • One-click deployment Deploy to staging, production with one click
  • Data warehouse native Snowflake, BigQuery, Red shift, Postgres, etc

Everything your data team needs
for data transformation

AI-driven smart editor

Model and transform data using a smart SQL IDE with AI suggestions, live preview and code verification.

Data validation

Generate quality data: one-click column validation, custom model validation, auto-analyze pipelines.

Data lineage

Understand and visualize how your data flows from data warehouse to models to reports and dashboards.

Pipeline management

Easily manage pipelines with zero orchestration, simple scheduling and multiple environments.

Data catalog

AI-driven, automatically generated data catalog to enable cross-team collaboration.

Version management

Simple version management from model code to pipelines. No more git hassles and overhead.

Ready to get started?

Get started free with the only data transformation
solution built for the whole data team.