About us

We are building the data development platform
we were always looking for

Before we started Montara we worked on significant data development projects and experienced first hand how hard it is to properly do data development with existing point solutions - so we decided to create a better way - a unified solution!

Backed By
And prominent angel investors

Dedication and experience

We've been through this before. Starting from scratch, working long hours, getting to a dead end and trying again. And we wouldn't have it any other way.

Our team has tackled data development challenges at previous places and knew there must be a better way.  At Montara we are making our dream come true - developing the best data development platform in the world.

We are based in California and Tel Aviv and are always looking for great people to join our team - don't hesitate to reach out.

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Join us as we explore the various aspects of data development in short form on our weekly podcast episodes.

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Why not try Montara free?

Onboard in minutes and experience what an AI-powered, comprehensive data development platform, can do for your data teamÂ